
Showing posts from January, 2024

Review: A Curse For True Love by Stephanie Garber

The third book starts off where the second one left off with Jacks a wanted man and Evangeline having no memory of anything since the beginning of her journey. Apollo wants to keep Evangeline ignorant of her relationship with Jacks and Jacks needs her to gain her memories back. The opened arch released the Valor family, the old rulers of the northern kingdom, disguised as a new noble family. This causes complications in the kingdom and for Jacks and Apollo. Evangeline struggles to get her memory back, but she eventually starts to trust Jacks again. Events come to a satisfying conclusion and some characters receive the happily ever after they desired.  Ths third book was fast paced, but it was a fun and romantic adventure. I loved Jacks and his love for Evangeline, and the relationship they had. The story was well written and the world is well crafted and magical. A great end to Jacks and Evangeline’s story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Review: Vivid by Ashley Bustamante

In a world where red and blue magic is accepted, yellow magic is forbidden. Ava Locke is a student who becomes curious about yellow magic, which has mind control powers. When she meets Elm, a wanted yellow magic user, Ava forms a friendship with him. Elm helps Ava see that she has been lied to by her mentor about yellow magic and Ava discovers other things that her mentor lied to her about. As events happen, Ava has to find out who is manipulating her is it the mentor and the system she is in or is it Elm? The first book in a trilogy, this sets up the world and magic systems well.  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Review: The Collected Regrets of Clover by Mikki Brammer

Clover Brooks is a death doula, helping people who are dying and going through the process of dealing with end of life things with her clients. She doesn’t have time to have many relationships, romantic or many friendships. When she takes on a new client at the behest of the woman’s grandson, she gets more than she bargained for. Clover discovers the woman had a lost love and when she tracks down the older woman’s love, Clover discovers love for herself. A interesting read and well written story that is more hopeful than it sounds at first. I thought Clover was a good character and I liked her and Hugo together. It was touching that she befriended the older woman and Clover had a good ending to her story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

One More Song by Annah Conwell

Grace Winters would like nothing more than to not talk to her ex boyfriend, but he is her best friends brother and they have to write a song for Charlotte’s wedding. Wyatt broke up with Grace before he left for Nashville and country music fame because he thought that was the right thing to do for her. Grace has a fear of abandonment because of her father and that plays a big part of her relationship with Wyatt. As the two work on the song, walls are broken down and Grace learns to trust Wyatt. Told through Grace and Wyatt’s viewpoints, this is a cute story. Wyatt and Grace have cute moments and are good for each other. The writing is simple, but the story is entertaining.  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Review: The Lost Daughter by Gill Paul

Dual timeline that starts in 1918 and follows Maria Romanov and in this historical fiction story, she survives her family’s brutal murder because a soldier saves her. Maria and her husband Peter live trying to evade the Soviet government and raise their family without alerting suspicion about who Maria is.  The other timeline is set in 1973 Australia. After her Russian father makes a strange statement, Val Doyle investigates her fathers past as well as what happened to her Chinese mother. Escaping from a abusive husband, she travels to China and eventually discovers secrets about her father that entwine with Maria and her family.  A fascinating alternate history of one of the Romanov daughters that gives life to Maria and what she could have been like. The historical parts were the ones I liked the most, following Maria and Peter and thier story. The modern storyline kind of dragged at times. Overall a good read though. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #historicalfiction #fiction #books #romanov

Review: The Hearts Choice by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse

Rebecca Whitman, a court reporter in Montana, wants to get to the truth of a murder. With the help of librarian Mark Andrews, Rebecca researches the case and they find surprising answers. Thier friendship starts out rough, but eventually grows into romance. The audiobook was well read and the narrator did a good job with the different voices in the book. The story was predictable but entertaining and I liked the progression of the relationship of Mark and Rebecca.

Review: The Well Of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson

In the second book in the Mistborn trilogy, a year has passed since the rebellion and the death of Kelsier. Elend is the king and has problems with the Assembly and getting Vin to marry him. Vin doesn’t feel she is worthy of Elend’s love, meanwhile she protects him from assassins and grows stronger in her abilities with the help of a new metal. Elend’s father besieges the city, and than another powerful king does this as well, each hoping to take down Elend. Vin and the crew have to protect Elend as well as figure out how to protect Luthadel. With powerful forces arrayed against them, Vin and her friends fight for freedom and the good of the kingdom.  This had more in world politics than action in the first half but that worked out well setting the story up for action. I loved seeing Vin and Elend grow as characters: Vin in her strength as a Mistborn and finally accepting Elend’s love, and Elend in how he led and became accepting of being king. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

The Only Survivors by Megan Miranda

A group of people who survived a horrific accident in high school gather each year to remember that night. Cassidy Bent is one of the survivors and she doesn’t really want to go to the gathering, still bothered by the suicide of one of thier group. When another person disappears when the group meets up and Cassidy finds a phone that belonged to Ian, her friend who died, she begins to suspect someone in the house has secrets that they don’t want to be revealed.  Told through different viewpoints, this is a slow moving plot. I think it was told through too many points of view, and the twist and reveal were weak. The person who was revealed as tormenting the survivors of the crash was underwhelming. I didn’t connect with Cassidy or any of the characters. Overall a disappointing read. Content: mentions of suicide, murder and strong language  ⭐️⭐️.5

The American Queen by Vanessa Miller

This historical fiction set in the south right after the Civil War is about Louella Montgomery a former slave who traveled with her family to establish a place for her people to live in. Louella has to deal with bitterness and hatred of those who enslaved her and this at first this seeps through to her relationship with others. When Louella and her husband have to leave the plantation they were enslaved at, others go with them as well. Going north they encounter more former slaves who decide to go with them. Eventually they all settle in a place that they establish the Kingdom of Happy Land, a community that looked out for each other and Louella and William, her reverend husband, are proclaimed the King and Queen of Happy Land. Louella endures struggles and heartache throughout the journey and throughout her life, but she finds joy in the Lord and her family and community.  This was a fascinating book about something I did not know about. I liked Louella’s strong character and liked th

Review: The Headmasters List by Melissa De La Cruz

Spencer Sandoval survives a car accident that takes the life of a fellow student, leaving her with PTSD and questions about what happened that night. When her ex-boyfriend is accused of reckless driving, something drives Spencer to try to remember what happened to help Ethan. Through investigating and notwithstanding a nosy podcaster, things fall in place and Spencer finds that the suspect is closer than she thinks.  The audiobook was well done. I liked how the podcast elements were done and the narrator was entertaining. The story was ok, the twists were foreseeable but it ended well.  #yafiction #youngadult #fiction #books #audiobook 

Review: The Seamstress Of Acadie by Laura Frantz

Tensions are mounting between the French and English right before the French and Indian War in Canada. Sylvie Galant and her family have to deal with the threat of British Invasion and loss of the home that they knew. Sylvie, her mother, and sister are forced on a British ship to somewhere else in the British colonies. A shipwreck leaves Sylvie by herself in the colony of Virginia. She crosses paths with William Blackburn, the former English soldier who warned her to leave Acadie. Will opposed the treatment of the Acadians by the British so he resigned and moved to Virginia to survey land. He is surprised and pleased to find Sylvie, but she is not pleased to see him at first. As things develop, Sylvie learns that her distrust of Will is unwarranted. Both Will and Sylvie have to trust that God will work out things in thier lives. The history was so well done in this story. I liked learning a little bit about what was happening around this time. The romance between Will and Sylvie was do

Review: The Ballad Of Never After by Stephanie Garber

The second book in the Once Upon A Broken Heart series starts with Evangeline angry with Jacks for poisoning Apollo, the prince she married. Though Apollo is not dead, he is comatose, until a second curse was put on him: the curse of the Archer. Evangeline knows the tale it’s one of her favorites, but it is a cursed story, meaning no one can tell the ending. Apollo does wake and starts to hunt for her, but Jacks tries to keep her safe. Meanwhile Evangeline has to find the four stones that will open a magic arch, although she is warned about opening it. Jacks and Eva have to deal with growing feelings for each other and have a rocky road along the way. When Eva’s life is in danger, Jacks has to decide if he will give up what he wanted for the sake of the girl he truly loves. I liked how this ended on a cliffhanger and liked the character development of a few characters. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

Review: Once Upon A Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber

Evangeline Fox wants to stop the boy she loves from marrying her stepsister Marisol and she will make a deal with a Fate, the Prince of Hearts, to stop the wedding. He asks for three kisses to be given when he chooses. What Evangeline doesn’t want are the consequences that come with dealing with a Fate. When the boy she loves is turned to stone, Evangeline drinks a potion to turn to stone so the others will be free. She eventually is turned back to normal and is hailed as a hero by the whole kingdom where she lives. This catches the attention of the new empress of the south and her sister. They ask her to attend Nocte Neverending in the magical northern kingdom. Eva agrees and takes with her Marisol. When they get to the party, Eva sees the one person she doesn’t want to see there: Jacks, the Prince of Hearts. He helps her by putting a spell on Prince Apollo, making Apollo fall in love with Eva. She does agree to marry the prince, but things go awry when someone tries to kill Apollo on