Review: The Well Of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson

In the second book in the Mistborn trilogy, a year has passed since the rebellion and the death of Kelsier. Elend is the king and has problems with the Assembly and getting Vin to marry him. Vin doesn’t feel she is worthy of Elend’s love, meanwhile she protects him from assassins and grows stronger in her abilities with the help of a new metal. Elend’s father besieges the city, and than another powerful king does this as well, each hoping to take down Elend. Vin and the crew have to protect Elend as well as figure out how to protect Luthadel. With powerful forces arrayed against them, Vin and her friends fight for freedom and the good of the kingdom. 
This had more in world politics than action in the first half but that worked out well setting the story up for action. I loved seeing Vin and Elend grow as characters: Vin in her strength as a Mistborn and finally accepting Elend’s love, and Elend in how he led and became accepting of being king.


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