The Only Survivors by Megan Miranda

A group of people who survived a horrific accident in high school gather each year to remember that night. Cassidy Bent is one of the survivors and she doesn’t really want to go to the gathering, still bothered by the suicide of one of thier group. When another person disappears when the group meets up and Cassidy finds a phone that belonged to Ian, her friend who died, she begins to suspect someone in the house has secrets that they don’t want to be revealed. 
Told through different viewpoints, this is a slow moving plot. I think it was told through too many points of view, and the twist and reveal were weak. The person who was revealed as tormenting the survivors of the crash was underwhelming. I didn’t connect with Cassidy or any of the characters. Overall a disappointing read.
Content: mentions of suicide, murder and strong language 


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