Review: The Seamstress Of Acadie by Laura Frantz

Tensions are mounting between the French and English right before the French and Indian War in Canada. Sylvie Galant and her family have to deal with the threat of British Invasion and loss of the home that they knew. Sylvie, her mother, and sister are forced on a British ship to somewhere else in the British colonies. A shipwreck leaves Sylvie by herself in the colony of Virginia. She crosses paths with William Blackburn, the former English soldier who warned her to leave Acadie. Will opposed the treatment of the Acadians by the British so he resigned and moved to Virginia to survey land. He is surprised and pleased to find Sylvie, but she is not pleased to see him at first. As things develop, Sylvie learns that her distrust of Will is unwarranted. Both Will and Sylvie have to trust that God will work out things in thier lives.
The history was so well done in this story. I liked learning a little bit about what was happening around this time. The romance between Will and Sylvie was done well and I loved seeing some characters from A Heart Adrift make an appearance! Thank you to Revell for the ARC from NetGalley. 


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