Review: Anna of Kleeve by Allison Weir

The forth book about the wives of Henry V111 is about the German princess Anna of Kleeve. This is a fictional look about Anna’s life and how she survived the terror of Henry. Anna went to England to be the Queen but her reign was short because Henry did not like her and eventually fell for her maid, Katherine Howard. Anna is set aside and treated as the King’s sister. Throughout the rest of his reign,Anna has to worry her household and mediate between squabbles between servants. She has a secret child with her first love back in Kleeve, and Anna eventually brings her son to her household in England, even though his identity has to be a secret. Anna lives to see her friend Mary become Queen and she passes away in the home she loved.
While a fictional telling of Anna’s life, the story was interesting and Anna comes to life through it. The historical details were well done and it is a credit to Anna that she survived Henry. The plot does slow at some points, but it was a good book. 
#historicalfiction #fiction


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