Review: The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry

Hazel and Flora are sisters who like many children in London in 1939 are sent to the countryside for their safety. They miss their mother, and yearn to be back in the home they left, but the lady and her son who take them in treat the girls well and Hazel and Flora like them as well. Hazel tells Flora stories about a fictional place called Whisperwood, a place of refuge for them. One day in 1940 Flora disappears and is not seen again. Hazel blames herself for not looking after her sister, and she moves back with her mother. Years later in 1960, Hazel works at a rare book bookshop when she finds a book with illustrations that is about the fictional place that she told her sister about. Stunned, Hazel sets out to find who the author is and why she is writing her stories. This leads to happy discoveries and a mystery is solved that spanned twenty years.
This was a engaging story. The narrative ent between 1940 and 1960 and I thought that worked. The characters were written well and that added to the story. The setting was well developed and the historical aspects were interesting. 
#historicalfiction #fiction #ww2fiction 


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